Waiting lists and Upcoming litters

Upcoming Litters
Coming soon!
Our next litter will either be standard poodles or mini/medium bernedoodles. They will be born around July-August and ready to go home Sepetmber-October. We are still deciding, and our website will be updated when we have decided.

Preliminary Waiting List
1. Breeders pick
2. Rhianna B
3. Open
4. Open
5. Open
6. Open
7. Open
8. Open
9. Open
10. Open
Waiting List
Our preliminary waiting list is now open!
To join read the information below and that will explain everything you need to know and how to join.
What is a preliminary waiting list?
A preliminary list is a waiting list that's free to join and will hold your spot for your possible puppy until we are taking deposit. It makes it easier for us to keep track of who inquired about a puppy first before we take deposits. You will be notified when we have a more exact date and/or confirm of pregnancy. And when we are taking our deposits.
Why should I join this list?
If you are interested in a future litter joining our list will hold your spot for our deposit waiting list. Whoever is first on our list will get first pick from the litter and so forth.
When will I be able to put a deposit down for a puppy?
Once you're done joining our preliminary list you can expect to hear from us in 1-3 months. We will let you know when we are opening our deposit waiting list and when you can put a deposit down.
I have some more questions I would like answered before joining the list.
If you have additional questions, feel free to contact us at 812-804-2404 and we will be happy to answers your questions.
(If we don't answers please leave a message or text as we don't always answer unknown numbers. Thanks)
Now that you have read everything above you can click the link below and fill out our puppy questionnaire form. Once you're done with that, please return to this page to finish filling out our preliminary waiting list form. Thanks!
Once you're done filling out our questionnaire please fill out this last form below.